About.com: Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Links to articles and resources about drunk driving.

Impaired Driving Division – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NHTSA’s Impaired Driving Division provides information and resources on drunk driving from a legal and social viewpoint and with a goal of prevention.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Link to informational chart about the drunk-driving laws of all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.

Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Impaired Driving
Facts, data, publications and other helpful information involving impaired drivers.

The Century Council
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to fighting drunk driving and underage drinking.

American Council on Alcoholism
A national nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public and those with alcohol dependence about the effects of alcohol, alcoholism, alcohol abuse and options for recovery. Extensive information about drunk driving.

How a DUI Conviction Affects Your Insurance
Description of the effect that a DUI may have on an insured’s auto policy, from insure.com, an online consumer insurance information service.

Alcohol Problems and Solutions – Drinking and Driving
Comprehensive, highly acclaimed Web site about alcohol consumption, alcoholism and drunk driving by David J. Hanson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the State University of New York at Potsdam.

National Conference of State Legislatures: State Drunk-Driving Laws
A survey of the drunk-driving laws throughout the US by topic and state. This site also provides information regarding penalties for drunk driving and additional resource links.

Insurance Information Institute (III)
Hot Topic and Issue Update article on drunk driving.

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