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Contact Us

Serving individuals, families, and businesses throughout Ohio & Kentucky.

Ohio Tel: (513) 984-8313
Kentucky Tel: (859) 630-9155
24-Hour Emergency Line: (859) 630-9155

Mason Office (Cincinnati Suburban Location)
8833 Chapel Square Drive
Suite C
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

Downtown Cincinnati Office
1 W 4th St #2050
Cincinnati, OH 45202

office2We understand how important and how urgent your legal need is. Our commitment to service includes responding promptly and thoroughly to your inquiry. Do not hesitate to contact us by telephone, email, or by filling out the short form below. We are happy to take the time to answer your questions and discuss how we can serve you. Most legal problems get worse if they are ignored. Contact us today so we can begin to go to work for you.

We conveniently serve clients in Mason,  Loveland, Cincinnati, Batavia, Hamilton, Fairfield, Mason, and Clermont, Warren, Hamilton, and Butler Counties in Ohio, as well as clients in Campbell and Kenton Counties in Kentucky.

To contact us by e-mail, please complete and submit the following form.

office3NOTE: Bolded labels and * indicates required information.

    *Full Name:

    *Email address:

    Phone number:

    Brief description of your legal issue:

    The use of the Internet or this form for
    communication with the firm or any
    individual member of the firm does not
    establish an attorney-client relationship.
    Confidential or time-sensitive information
    should not be sent through this form.

    I have read and understand the
    disclaimer. This field is required.*

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