Campbell District Court, Case No. 10-T-0657
Ft. Thomas DUI
Client was charged by Ft. Thomas Police Department with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI) in violation of KRS 189A.010, as a second offense within five years and with aggravating circumstances, namely a refusal. Client had two prior DUI convictions in life, one of which was within 5 years. Client was asked to perform several standardized and non-standardized field sobriety tests of which the officer noted that the client performed poorly or “failed”. Client refused to provide a breath sample. The matter was set for a motion to suppress, and on the morning of the hearing, counsel was able to work out a plea to a lesser charge of DUI first offense, non-aggravating circumstances. Client was an Ohio resident, so the license suspension in Ohio will be non-existent.
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